
标题: 知道我们的领导为啥都有高学历吗? [打印本页]

作者: panda    时间: 2009-9-21 11:51
标题: 知道我们的领导为啥都有高学历吗?
  作者:Yush  美国西弗吉尼亚州州长女儿Heather Bresch“真的假学位”案水落石出后,处于丑闻风口浪尖的美国西弗吉尼亚大学校长Michael Garrison被迫宣布下台。此前,已经有两名涉案学校高官辞职。  本文根据美国媒体系列报道编译。  2007 年10月,在媒体询问Bresch是否于10年前获得eMBA学位后,西弗吉尼亚大学高层管理人员匆忙开会,决定修改成绩单、向学分尚欠近一半的 Bresch补发学位。经媒体曝光后,学校组织了调查小组,并于2008年4月得出结论,认定所加学分无中生有,Bresch不应获得MBA学位,学校管理人员决策严重失误。详见后面跟帖:《州长女儿“真的假学位”案水落石出》。  调查结果一出,直接参与决策的教务长和商学院院长随即声明将辞去管理职位、保留教职。参加决策会议的校长的三名主要手下工作人员(办公室主任、总顾问、联络主任)中的总顾问和联络主任后来被缩小了职权范围,但薪水未减。校长本人则坚持不下台,声称他没有要求任何人去给Bresch加学分、改成绩、授学位,只是让他的办公室主任去召集有关人员查查怎么回事,而此前Bresch烦恼生气,告诉校长她相信自己确实获得了学位,想让学校验证。具有任免权的校董事会(18名成员中有9名为现任州长任命)一直支持校长,认为没有证据指出校长做错了什么。州长Manchin则称他对Garrison充满信心,尽管不少州内从政者要求免去其校长职务。  绝大多数教职员工、学生、校友、捐助者以及众多媒体则为此群情激愤,认为学位丑闻严重损害了学校的声誉、贬低了学校的学位含金量。他们通过各种手段强烈要求校长辞职,无论校长在丑闻中的角色是主谋还是帮凶或是管理失职。其中,教师评议会以77比19投票通过了对校长的不信任决议,并要求他辞职,但教师评议会只是顾问角色,并无决定权。随后,全校教师30年来第一次举行全体会议,以565比39的压倒多数通过相同决议。另有三位教授离职他就,部分归咎于校长在丑闻中的角色和之后的作为。学生们担心学位丑闻会影响到自己的文凭,有人举行集会,张贴谴责丑闻、抗议校长的标语。有两位担任律师的校友发布广告号召今年的毕业生以丑闻造成学位贬值为由集体起诉校董事会。而在毕业典礼上,许多师生拒绝与校长握手,进行无声的抗议。大学杰出校友会的五名成员致信校董事会,称校长上任的短短时间内就将学校引入不诚实不名誉的境地,强烈要求他必须辞职或被解职。一位校友律师辞去学校法学院某委员会职务以抗议学历丑闻,并致函校长要其下台,强调如果校长还在位,他不愿再与学校有瓜葛。法学院全部15名终身教授中的11位(其中9位当年教过校长)在校长取消与他们商谈相关事宜的会议后,致函校长和校董事会称,教师们参加学术会议时遭同行奚落,而校长在同民意对抗中失败,需体面地辞职,以免对学校和他自己造成不可挽回的损害。300余名捐助者公开声称撤回或暂停捐献,其中包括因校长拒绝辞职而撤销200万美元捐助的大金主。当地和全国媒体的跟踪报道更是铺天盖地,相关新闻逾千条,包括整页抗议广告、社论、读者来函。  2008年6月6日,校董事会最终开会讨论校长的去留。内外交困的Garrison宣布下台,并于9月1日生效。而在2007年的9月1日,在教师们的一片反对声中,39岁的Garrison依靠政治关系,战胜了实力雄厚的竞争对手而就任校长,尽管作为律师的他仅具有很短的教育工作经历,从未担任过重要学术管理职位。[<i> 本帖最后由 lgh 于 2008-6-9 10:06 编辑 </i>]<div id=[/img]
作者: maills9333    时间: 2009-9-21 13:48
Yahoo! BuzzBy Published: January 22, 2008MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — It started with a phone call from a newspaper reporter in October seeking to verify the academic credentials of Gov. Joe Manchin III’s daughter Heather Bresch. But in less than three months, the inquiry has mushroomed into a controversy that risks casting a shadow of cronyism over this state’s flagship university. West Virginia University, via Associated PressGov. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, with Senators John D. Rockefeller IV, left, and Robert C. Byrd, in 2006. Mr. Manchin’s daughter Heather Bresch is facing scrutiny over a master’s degree from West Virginia University, left. Officials at the college, , have been accused of rewriting records last fall to document that Ms. Bresch had earned an executive master of business administration degree in 1998. An investigation by The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette concluded that she had completed only 22 of the required 48 credit hours.The university has begun an investigation of its own into the matter.Ms. Bresch, 38, works for Mylan Inc., the world’s third-largest generic drug company, which employs 2,000 people in Morgantown. The company’s chairman, Milan Puskar, is a major campaign contributor to Governor Manchin, a Democrat, and is the university’s largest donor, having given it $20 million in 2003. Ms. Bresch has insisted that she earned her degree, and university officials have blamed a failure to transfer records for nearly half of her course work to the appropriate office for the situation, as documents were moved to electronic format from paper. But so far, the university and Ms. Bresch have not produced copies of her transcripts, receipts or other proof of her having paid for course work, or documents from the courses where grades seemed to have been entered years after “incompletes” were given.“This is really about the university’s credibility, and that affects the degrees we are trying to get,” said David Ryan, a senior and the opinion page editor for the student newspaper, The Daily Athenaeum. Mr. Ryan said he had received several letters a day from alumni, almost all of them saying the university should investigate the matter aggressively and as quickly as possible.In a state with about 1.8 million residents, untangling the mess has been slowed by the tight web of personal ties between state political leaders and campus administrators and between the people involved in the controversy and those investigating it.For example, the university’s president, Mike Garrison, is a high school classmate of Ms. Bresch’s and a longtime friend of the Manchin family. He served as chief of staff to former Gov. , a Democrat, and was a consultant and a lobbyist for Mylan. His connections, including business ties to members of the university board, led many critics to charge that the presidential search that began in 2006 had been rigged in his favor. The Faculty Senate took the rare step last April of voting no confidence in him, even before he was appointed.University officials have called for any faculty members, graduates, administrators or students who know anything about the case to step forward. There may be reluctance, however, to speak out against the university or Mylan, for fear of being blackballed by two of the state’s largest employers.“In , there is a proverb that says that everything is political except politics, and that is personal,” said Conni Gratop Lewis, a retired lobbyist for nonprofit groups. “It’s a tiny state, with just two major universities, just one major law school and where many of us grow up in the same small towns or counties, so there ends up being just one degree of separation between people involved in business and politics and whatever else.”On Jan. 14, members of the Faculty Senate tried to widen that separation by voting 46 to 34 to urge the removal of one member of the investigating committee. The senate had raised concerns about the independence of the investigation if that member, Bruce Flack, was included in the process because he is vice chancellor of academic affairs for the Higher Education Policy Commission, a state panel largely controlled by the governor. Mr. Flack resigned from the investigation the day after the vote.The Faculty Senate also voted to urge that three people “independent of any governmental agency or interested party” be added to the panel investigating the university’s actions. “Bring in Scotland Yard if you have to,” Lara Ramsburg, a spokeswoman for the governor, recounted Mr. Manchin telling university officials recently. “He understands that as an elected official and public figure, he should expect scrutiny with regard to his life,” Ms Ramsburg added. “But he would hope that everyone would give his child, or any child of an elected official or public figure, the benefit of the doubt until the process is complete and all of the facts are known.”Questions about favoritism on campus come against the backdrop of a similar controversy elsewhere in the state.The State Supreme Court faced criticism for potential conflicts of interest surrounding a more than $70 million case involving the Massey Energy Company, the region’s largest mining company, because the court’s chief justice, Elliott E. Maynard, has been close friends for 30 years with Massey’s chief executive. On Friday, Chief Justice Maynard recused himself from the case after vacation photos from the summer of 2006 were released, showing the two men together in Monaco.The controversy at West Virginia University began after a reporter called to confirm the academic credentials Mylan listed for Ms. Bresch after her Oct. 2 promotion to chief operating officer. The university initially said that Ms. Bresch did not have an M.B.A. But on Oct. 15, campus officials said she had the credits but had failed to pay a $50 fee and did not officially graduate.After Ms. Bresch insisted she had received a degree, the dean of the business school, R. Stephen Sears, began investigating her academic history and made the decision on Oct. 18 to affirm that she had received an M.B.A. Mr. Sears could not be reached for comment. But in an interview with WTRF, a television station in Wheeling, he said that his investigation had been hindered by incomplete financial records, missing academic files and an inability to interview some professors about her course work because they had since left the university. He told the television station, however, that the evidence “was more supportive of her fulfilling the requirements than the other side of the story.” Mr. Spears also denied that politics, or the $1.5 million gift from Mr. Puskar that endowed his deanship, had influenced his decision.The Post-Gazette found, however, that the university retroactively added six classes, including grades, to Ms. Bresch’s record. Ms. Bresch could not be reached for comment. University officials declined requests for an interview.Ms. Bresch’s employer issued a statement defending her. “Mylan stands behind the integrity of its longtime employee and senior executive Heather Bresch,” the company said.A $5 billion company founded in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., in 1961, Mylan is now based in Canonsburg, Pa. Ms. Bresch began working for Mylan in the early 1990s while taking graduate courses at night and on weekends at West Virginia University.“Whatever they need to do, they need to do transparently and soon,” said Erin Board, a senior biology major at the university. Ms. Board conceded that academic paperwork could be confusing and that she would not be surprised by clerical errors of this scope. But she said it was time to get the matter resolved.“These are our teachers,” she said. “So we trust them and look to them to do the right thing.”
作者: depot23711    时间: 2009-9-21 15:46
作者:伊恩尔维纳发布日期: 2008年1月22日摩根城, w.va. -开始打电话,从报社记者在1 0月要求验证学历州长乔曼钦三的女儿希瑟布雷施。但在不到3个月,调查已如雨后春笋般成为一个争议的风险,投下了阴影,任人唯亲,超过这个国家的旗舰大学。 西维吉尼亚大学,通过相关新闻州长乔曼钦三西弗吉尼亚州,与参议员约翰洛克菲勒第四,左,长罗伯特伯德,在2006年。曼钦先生的女儿希瑟布雷施正面临审议以上的硕士学位的,从西弗吉尼亚大学,离开。 官员在该学院,西弗吉尼亚大学,已被指责为重写纪录,去年秋天,以文件女士布雷施赢得了一个行政工商管理硕士学位于1998年。调查是由美国匹兹堡后在宪报刊登的结论是,她只完成了22所规定的48小时信贷。 该大学已经开始调查其本身的调查此事。 布雷施女士, 38 ,工程, Mylan公司,世界第三大非专利药公司,员工2000多人,在摩根城。该公司的主席,米兰puskar ,是一个重大的战役贡献者总督曼钦,一名民主党人,是大学的最大捐助者,给予它2000万美元在2003年。布雷施女士坚持说,她赢得了她的程度,和大学的官员曾指责失败的转让纪录的将近一半,当然她的工作,以适当的办公室,为的情况,由于文件被转移到电子格式由纸张。但直至目前为止,大学及布雷施女士没有产生的副本,她誊本,收据或其他证明她有支付过程中工作,或文件,从课程,职系,似乎已进入了年后“ incompletes ”获得。 “这实在是有关大学的公信力,影响度,我们正设法获得, ”大卫说,瑞安,一位资深的意见和网页编辑器,为学生报纸,每天athenaeum 。瑞恩先生说,他收到了几个字母,每天从校友,几乎所有的人说,大学应该对此事进行调查,积极和尽快。 在一个国家约180万居民, untangling这个烂摊子已减缓紧张的关系网,个人之间的联系国家的政治领导人和校园管理员和两国人民所涉及的争议,这些调查。 举例来说,大学的先生,麦克驻军,是一个高中的同学,布雷施女士的和长期的朋友,该曼钦家庭。他担任参谋总长的前州长鲍勃明智的,民主党,是一个顾问和客为, Mylan 。他的连接,包括商业联系的成员大学的董事会,导致许多批评者指控总统搜索开始在2006年已被操纵在他的青睐。学院参议院采取了罕见的步骤,去年4月的投票没有信心,他甚至在他被任命为。 大学官员已呼吁任何学院的成员,大学毕业生,管理人或学生谁知道什么情况下,以向前迈进一步。有可能不愿意,不过,发言反对或大学, Mylan ,因害怕被blackballed由两个国家的最大雇主。 “在西弗吉尼亚州,有一个谚语说,一切都是政治,除了政治,这是个人,说: ” conni gratop刘易斯是一位退休的说客的非赢利性团体。 “这是小国家,只有两个主要的大学,只是一个主要的法学院,而我们很多人成长起来的同时,小城镇或县,所以最终只是一个程度的分离人与人之间所涉及的商业和政治不管别人”
作者: jiang7952    时间: 2009-9-21 17:43
  送交者: Yush  美国西弗吉尼亚大学调查小组的调查报告认定,Mylan制药公司的首席运营长Heather Bresch不应获得MBA学位,并严厉批评学校去年10月决定向她补发学位缺陷严重、判断力缺乏。  本文根据美国匹兹堡邮报(Pittsburgh Post Gazette)系列报道及相关媒体报道编译。  Heather Bresch的政治、经济、人际背景雄厚。她是西弗吉尼亚州长Joe Manchin的女儿,是西弗吉尼亚大学现任校长Michael Garrison的家族友人、中学和大学同学、及前商业伙伴。此外,Mylan公司主席是西弗吉尼亚大学的最大捐助人,也是州长Joe Manchin的主要捐助者。  2007年10月2日,38岁的Bresch荣任Mylan公司首席运营长后,公司公布的简历中称其曾获西弗吉尼亚大学MBA学位。匹兹堡邮报记者10月11日打电话核实学历情况。校方一开始表示,Bresch并未获得学位;五天后又改口称其1998年12月完成了全部学位课程,但因欠50美元毕业费导致未拿到毕业证书;后又归咎于学校档案管理问题。匹兹堡邮报随即进行调查,发现Bresch于1998年离开学校时尚缺22学分才能达到总计48学分的学位要求。学校于2007年10月22日向其补发了学位,同时在她的档案中相应地补加了6门课,并将另外原本“未完成”的两门课补加了成绩。Bresch的纸质档案已丢失,查不到这几门课的注册和缴费记录,也不在上课学生名单上,学校做决定时未咨询授课老师,而且,当年及随后几年的正式毕业生名单上也没有她。档案管理专家和学校教授们认为,学校档案管理出现如此严重问题、并且时隔多年后才去纠正是不可思议的,并且更改档案的程序极不寻常。  对于学校何以在没有充足证据的情况下补发学位的质疑,学校以保护隐私为由拒绝回答,后多次作出相互矛盾的解释。匹兹堡邮报根据《信息自由法》索取的电子邮件记录表明,补发学位一事是校长办公室主任主导的(主任后来否认自己的主导作用,校长本人也否认参与此事),学校高层人员的决定过程相当仓促和轻率。电话通话记录还显示,在学校作出补发学位决定前,办公室主任与Bresch多次通话。另外,学校提供的电话记录不完整,删掉了期间20多次通话。因学校拒绝提供校长在此期间的电子邮件、电话通话记录及其他文件,匹兹堡邮报于2008年4月15日起诉学校违反档案公开法。  Bresch 拒绝向记者出示成绩单或其他文件,坚称其确实于1998年12月与同学一起毕业并获得了学位,还参加了毕业典礼。而她的三位同学匿名指出她早就离开了学校,不可能跟同班同学一起毕业。她的多位同学也没人记得她参加了毕业典礼,而且即便参加了也不表明她获得了学位。鉴于Bresch在学校和本州的政治、经济势力,校内人员和她的同学们不愿多谈,担心丢掉工作等后果。  2008年4月8日,Bresch打破数月沉默,告诉美联社,她1998年与当时的MBA项目主任协商后,以自己的工作经历换取了10个学分而不必上课,从而获得了学位。而主任称学校历史上没有拿工作经历换学分这回事,老师和同?б脖硎敬游?听说。另外,Bresch声称的学分数量和课程种类与学校后来添加修改的课程不符。  2007年12月21日匹兹堡邮报首次披露学位事件后进行了跟踪报道,其他媒体也纷纷跟进。2008年1月2日,迫于媒体压力,学校成立了由3名本校教授组成的调查小组。1月14日,教师评议会(Faculty Senate)投票表决,认为3名教授中的一人因利害关系不应参加调查小组,并建议从校外另请三位独立于大学和州政府的人员。一些媒体和教育机构也呼吁外部独立调查。学校随后采纳了这个建议,并于1月28日确定了人选。  调查报告历时三个月后出台,4月21日递交学校教务长,4月23日校董事会开会审核讨论后公布。Bresch此前根据《家庭教育权利与隐私法》阻止学校公开调查报告。  调查报告措辞严厉,指出在2007年10月15日召开的决定补发学位的会议上,学校高层管理人员偏信Bresch的一面之词,偏重支持Bresch的不明确、不完整的少量片面证据而不去验证或证实,且忽略大量相反证据,会议上的气氛是尽可能为授予学位找到理由,行为仓促、令人震惊、难以言表。报告将教务长和商学院院长描述为主要决策者,还记述了校长办公室对Bresch与校长及办公室主任电话交谈的迅速反应。调查人员相信,与会者实际承受了或感觉到了压力,要赞同授予学位而不要提出异议。报告认定,学生档案管理不存在问题,记录准确;不能根据工作经历免上课换学分。报告的结论是,Bresch不应获得 MBA学位;2007年12月学校管理人员确认Bresch于1998年获得了MBA学位以及随后更改成绩单的行为有严重缺陷、缺乏判断力。报告认为校长应对学校的行为承担责任,但没有提出对校长或其他管理人员的惩罚措施。  校长表示接受调查小组的决定;否认参与授予学位一事;在被问及是否采取惩罚措施时,他说人事问题要私下处理。教务长表示,Bresch与州长、学校及Mylan公司的关系对当时补发学位的决定没有影响;他会根据调查小组和校董事会的建议来取消学位。Bresch发表声明称,她仍然相信她满足了学位要求,但出于对母校的尊敬,她接受调查小组的结论。州长发表声明支持女儿,为她通过个人事业赢来职业声誉而骄傲,但没有针对调查报告作出评论。  曾提议聘任外部调查人员的一位教师评议会成员说,他将与其他成员交换意见,如果教务长和校长到时候还不辞职,将提出适当的针对他们的动议。教师评议会主席说,调查报告将被提到星期一评议会执委会议程上。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------腐败的遏止是必须要有制度保障的[<i> 本帖最后由 lgh 于 2008-6-9 10:06 编辑 </i>]

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