
标题: 把修改过的中英文说明再拿出来晒晒 [打印本页]

作者: jewellpedler    时间: 2009-9-19 20:08
标题: 把修改过的中英文说明再拿出来晒晒
肇兴侗寨侗语称Saop,位于黎平县南面,距县城68公里,座落于一个东西走向的狭长谷地。人口860多户,3800多人,全为侗族。寨内有5座鼓楼、5个戏台、5座花桥、3座萨坛,2条小溪横贯寨中。肇兴侗寨始建于宋朝(公元960-1279年),原名“肇洞”。居民有赢、满、万、白、马等12个家族,即12个“斗”,组合成仁、义、礼、智、信5个“团”。所有居民都有内外两个姓:内姓,为各家族成员原有的姓;外姓,为大家在社会生活中共同使用的姓,即陆姓。“斗”以血缘为纽带,“斗”内不能通婚。“团”则以地缘为基础,“团”内各“斗”间可以通婚。数百年来,肇兴人民创造了独特的鼓楼文化、大歌文化、款约文化和“萨文化”。1993年肇兴被贵州省文化厅命名为“鼓楼文化艺术之乡”;2003年被文化部列入全国首批民族民间文化保护试点单位;2005年被《中国国家地理》杂志等媒体评为“中国最美的乡村古镇”。A Brief Introduction to Zhaoxing Dong VillageZhaoxing’s old name is ′Zhao Dong′.The village is located in the southeast of Liping County, 68 km away from the county seat, in a long, narrow valley which runs east to west. The village has more than 860 ethnic Dong households, with a total population of more than 3800. Zhaoxing has 5 drum towers, 5 roofed bridges, 5 stages and 3 sacrificial altars, with two streams cutting through the village.Zhaoxing was first built during the Song Dynasty (A.D. 960-1279). Each resident in Zhaoxing has two surnames: Lu as their public surname, the surname that is socially used, and a private, original surname for each person. Each community of the same surname is called a ′dou′, meaning a clan. Two or more clans living together form a ′tuan′, meaning a group. ′Dou′ takes the blood relationship as the foundation. Marriage is forbidden inside a ′dou′. ′Tuan′ is based on geography and people from two or more ′dou′ in a ′tuan′ can be related through marriage. The 12 ′dou′ of Zhaoxing form 5 ′tuan′, and the 5 ′tuan′ are named ′Ren′, ′Yi′, ′Li′ ′Zhi′ and ′Xin′, meaning ‘benevolence’, ‘righteousness’, ‘propriety’, ‘wisdom’ and ‘faith’.Over the centuries, the Dong people of Zhaoxing have created their unique drum towers,grand choral songs, the traditional legal system and religious culture.In 1993, Zhaoxing was named ‘the township of drum tower culture and art’ by the provincial cultural department.In 2003, the National Ministry of Culture integrated it into the national list of top of protected ethnic cultural relics.In 2005, the village gained the titles of ‘the most beautiful ancient town and village of China’.
作者: fattergaza    时间: 2009-9-19 23:23
堂安侗寨始建于清朝嘉庆年间(公元1795-1820年)。全村共有居民170多户,800多人,以赢、陆两姓为主,散居于抱博、几定两岭之间。村寨依山就势,建筑沿山体等高线布置,并以鼓楼、戏楼为中心。堂安生态博物馆没有固定的馆舍,涵盖了堂安及其周边侗族社区居民生活、生产及其环境。博物馆向人们展示了侗民族的物质文化遗产和非物质文化遗产,包括鼓楼、梯田、寨门、民居、戏台、花桥、古墓群、萨坛、瓢井,以及风俗习惯、民间艺术以及侗家人的生产生活等内容。位于村寨上端的“资料信息中心”,浓缩了整个社区的诸多文化信息。Brief Introduction to the Tang[/img]The Sino-Norway cooperative “Tang’an Dong Ethnic Eco-museum” Is located about 6 km east of Zhaoxing, half way up Mount Longbao, about 840 meters above sea level.The village was first built in the Jiaqin years of Qing Dynasty (A.D. 1795-1820).It is now home to over 170 households and more than 800 people.The people live together in clans, the two main clans being the Ying and Lu. They live scattering between the Banbo and Jiding ranges.The village is favorably situated on the ridges of the mountain, with all the buildings are arranged along the contour line, and centered upon the drum tower and drama stage.The eco-museum has no particular building but extends the focus to the whole village and the surrounding environment. The eco-museum displays for visitors the terraced fields, the village gates, the local style houses, the drum tower, the roofed bridge, the theatre stage, the ancient graves, the well, the alter of the goddess Sa Sui, and the lifestyle of the villagers. The information center at the top of the village holds the most comprehensive collection of Dong cultural information in the community.
作者: syphon6225    时间: 2009-9-20 02:39
寨内有两座鼓楼,上寨和下寨各一座;有两座萨坛,一为大祖母“萨岁”(Sax Siis),一为二祖母“萨温”(Sax Uns)。后山有一块松林掩映的台地,系历史上的款坪。坪边有立于清朝光绪年间的“万世芳规”款碑,也有立于近代的“乡规民约”石碑,是款约社会的见证。清代,纪堂还建有“堂学书院”。Brief Introduction to Jitang VillageJitang village lies half way up Mount Gaoge, 4 km from Zhaoxing, and 670 meters above sea level. Jitang was first built in the later stage of Song Dynasty (A.D. 1100-1279). The village has more than 380 Dong ethnic households with a total population of about 1600. The people originate from the clans of Zhaoxing. There are two drum towers at Jitang.The most magnificent one is in the lower part of the village, and the other in the upper part. The people in Jitang have built two sacrificial altars, one for the goddess Sa Sui, the first and greatest grandmother, and another for the goddess Sa Wen, the second grandmother.The plot of level ground covered with towering pine trees at the back of the village is the historic Kuan Ping (Meeting Place). Two Kuan tablets on which some articles in the historic common law engraved are still standing at the entrance as a lasting evidence of the traditional legal system.During Qing Dynasty, one of the oldest academies in the Dong territory was running here, the “Tang Xue Academy”.
作者: conj566189    时间: 2009-9-20 05:54
厦格侗寨始建于元朝(公元1271-1368年)。全寨有四座鼓楼,一座位于下寨,属蓝姓家族;一座位于寨中,属罗姓家族;一座位于寨头的嬴姓家族;还有一座在上寨,属潘、陆、杨姓。厦格侗寨的特殊节日是八月十五“泥人节”。所谓“泥人节”,侗语称为“多玛道神”,“多玛”,即打泥巴仗,“道神”,即黄牛打架。Brief Introduction to Xiage Dong VillageXiage village lies in the southeast 4 km from Zhaoxing, 710 meters above sea level.The village is divided into two parts, the upper and the lower, with about 310 households and more than 1200 people. The residents are from six clans of the Dong minority (Lan, Luo, Ying, Pan, Lu and Yang).Xiage was first built in Yuan Dynasty (A.D. 1271-1368). The village has four drum towers. One in the lower area belongs to the Lan clan, the second, in the center, belongs to the Luo clan, the third, at the middle entrance of the village, belongs to the Ying clan, and the last one, at the upper area belongs to the Pan, Lu and Yang clans.A unique festival here is the Clodhoppers’ Festival held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month each year. The festival is named Doma Daoshen in Dong language. Duoma means playing with mud, and Daoshen means cattle fighting.
作者: 清风雅雨间    时间: 2009-9-20 09:09
传说古代纪伦有一个力大无比的巨人,一餐能吃几斗米饭,走路飞快,“三步到三宝,五步至省城”。其它地方听说纪伦有如此神人,都不敢到六洞一带来骚扰。至今纪伦寨还保存有此人的一块宅基地,没人敢在此建房。Brief Introduction to Jilun VillageJilun is a small, yet unique and mysterious Dong village, which is located at the foot of Mt. Kylin, about 1.5 km from Zhaoxing.The village has more than 80 households and about 320 people.Its residents belong to a branch of the Meng clan of Zhaoxing.They have a drum tower and a theatre stage. Local legend tells of a giant who lived in these parts in ancient times.He had great strength and could eat many bowls of rice! He could walk very fast and could arrive in Rongjiang just in tree steps, and in Guiyang in five steps.After hearing about the giant of Jilun the enemies no longer came to harass the area of Liudong.Nowadays, nobody dares to build a house on the spot where the giant once lived.
作者: yang966454    时间: 2009-9-20 12:25
登江寨头有一小庙,是为“五龙堂”,历代以来香火旺盛,在湘、黔、桂边界地区颇有影响,朝拜者包括侗、苗、汉、瑶、壮、水等民族。Brief Introduction to Dengjiang Dong VillageDengjiang village is located on the top of Mt. Gaoge, 6 km away from Zhaoxing, and 710 meters above sea level.The village has more than 200 households and about 1000 Dong people. The village has a drum tower, two village gates, a theatre stage.The little temple at the entrance to the village, named ‘Five Dragons Temple,’ has many worshippers from Guizhou, Hunan and Guangxi provinces, including people of Dong, Miao, Yao, Zhuang and Shui ethnic groups.
作者: dudishlegend    时间: 2009-9-20 15:40
Brief Introduction to Diping Roofed BridgeThe remote Dong village of Diping has a wooden roofed bridge built as early as 1883,and rebuilt respectively in 1964 and 1981. The bridge was burst by flood water in 2004, and renovated in 2007. It is located in the south of Liping county, 120 km away from the county seat. The bridge is 56 meters long, 4.5 meters wide and sits 8 meters above the water. There are three towers on the bridge.The middle one is 5 meters high and looks like a drum tower with a pyramid roof.The towers at each end are 3 meters high with 3 story hip-and-gable roofs.The whole bridge is constructed without iron nails.All the parts are connected with wooden tenons and mortises in a unique local ethnic style. The roofed bridge is not only a passageway across the river, but is also a public place of leisure and entertainment for the local people.Nowadays, it has been classified as a major historical and cultural site under state protection.
作者: fattergaza    时间: 2009-9-20 18:56
[<i> 本帖最后由 邓敏文 于 2007-9-2 00:20 编辑 </i>]
作者: opticsmetz    时间: 2009-9-20 22:11
桥顶及周边植被群落完整,生长着40多种乔木,以及种类繁多的灌木、藤本及草本。林间崖畔,栖息着八哥(Acridotheres cristatellus)、画眉(Garrulax canorus)等数十种珍禽。[<i> 本帖最后由 邓敏文 于 2007-9-2 00:22 编辑 </i>]
作者: etzellunger    时间: 2009-9-21 01:27
地扪位于黎平县茅贡北4公里处,有480多户,2100多人,是侗戏的起源地。代表性的文物有塘公祠、登岑日中友好鼓楼等。在侗语里,地扪是“原生地”的意思。相传侗族祖先定居这里后,人丁发达,发展到1300户,后分到茅贡700户,腊洞200户,罗大100户,其余的留下来,成为“千三”总根。寨内分为5个大房族,分别叫宰寅、得面、腊模、宰母和腊微。有3座鼓楼和4座花桥。其中腊模鼓楼为“千三”之根,建寨之源。([<i> 本帖最后由 邓敏文 于 2007-9-2 00:09 编辑 </i>]
作者: nonman8752    时间: 2009-9-21 04:42
普遍在村头寨尾甚至水面上木制仓房,用于存放粮食及其它重要物品,称为禾仓。禾仓除了防火,还能防鼠、防蚁虫。[<i> 本帖最后由 邓敏文 于 2007-9-2 09:43 编辑 </i>]
作者: medocfrit5    时间: 2009-9-21 07:57
绿树掩映的壁岩上,醒目地刻着“过化”两个大字,由明朝参将邓子龙于万历十五年(公元1583年)率部征剿以吴为首的农民起义军时所书,其意是“所过之处,民皆向化”。每字二米见方,远在二里之外还清晰可辩。右边另有两行小字“邓子龙万历十五年书”。为了让后人记住这段历史与侗家人的遭遇,当地人每年坚持用石灰浆将岩上的大字填白,使其清晰可辩。[<i> 本帖最后由 邓敏文 于 2007-9-2 09:46 编辑 </i>]
作者: rhymedrev2    时间: 2009-9-21 11:13
该楼为重檐歇山顶宝塔式八角鼓楼,高9层,16.27米,占地127平方米,侗语称“楼斗闷”( ),为孟、夏家族所建。始建于18世纪,重建于1982年,掌墨师傅为外地迁入肇兴居住的张根银。[<i> 本帖最后由 邓敏文 于 2007-9-2 09:48 编辑 </i>]
作者: muso529368    时间: 2009-9-21 14:28
该楼为重檐攒尖顶宝塔式八角鼓楼,高11层,24.37米,占地136平方米,侗语称为“楼斗迫”( ),为白、马家族所建。始建于18世纪,1982年重建,掌墨师傅为堂安人陆继贤。改过来。[<i> 本帖最后由 邓敏文 于 2007-9-2 09:51 编辑 </i>]
作者: czaccent13    时间: 2009-9-21 17:44
堂安侗寨距肇兴6公里,位于弄报山(Jenc Longl Baol)半山腰上,海拔840多米,是中国与挪威两国政府共同创建的“侗族生态博物馆”。堂安侗寨始建于清朝嘉庆年间(公元1795-1820年)。全村共有居民170多户,800多人,以赢、陆两姓为主,散居于抱博、几定两岭之间。村寨依山就势,建筑沿山体等高线布置,并以鼓楼、戏楼为中心。堂安生态博物馆没有固定的馆舍,涵盖了堂安及其周边侗族社区居民生活、生产及其环境。博物馆向人们展示了侗民族的物质文化遗产和非物质文化遗产,包括鼓楼、梯田、寨门、民居、戏台、花桥、古墓群、萨坛、瓢井风俗习惯、民间艺术以及侗家人的生产生活等内容。位于村寨上端的“资料信息中心”,浓缩了整个社区的诸多文化信息。[<i> 本帖最后由 邓敏文 于 2007-9-2 09:49 编辑 </i>]

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